reusable cup eco reduce reuse

It’s estimated that in the U.S., we throw away about 120 billion disposable cups each year. From styrofoam to plastic to paper, there are many types of disposable cups—not to mention lids and straws—that end up in landfills throughout the world every single day. 


Now more than ever, many businesses and consumers strive to make choices that are good for the planet. At The Store, we want to do our part, too. We hope you’ll join us!

We’re excited to introduce our Reduce, Refill, Recaffeinate campaign, where we encourage our community and our Guests to use their own refillable mugs when purchasing any hot beverage, including a variety of options like our flavorful coffees, sweet and savory cappuccinos, or chocolaty hot cocoa. 


When you use your own mug, you help us keep disposable cups out of the trash. It’s also a great way to express yourself. Pick a mug that has an inspirational quote, your favorite sports team, or even a logo of a local business you support (like The Store ) . 


If you don’t have your own mug to use, or you stop in and realize you forgot your mug at home, we’ll have reusable thermal cups on sale starting at just $3.99. 


And of course, you can still buy any of our hot beverages at the store in a 16 oz., 20 oz., or 24 oz. disposable cup. While we encourage you to use a reusable mug, we’re also proud that our disposable cups are made from 25% recycled material. So together, we’re still helping the environment, while also getting caffeinated. It’s a win win!


Regardless of what option you choose, you can take pride that the coffee you bought at The Store has sustainability in mind.